Has the Treasury Direct interface changed?

farleykj farleykj at gmail.com
Wed Dec 27 10:44:31 EST 2017

Some follow-up.
I figured that if the API is not being useful, instead of wondering what to
do I should contact the treasurydirect "people" and ask. Sure. And here is
the result:

----- Their Response -----


In regards to your e-mail, we are sorry you are experiencing difficulty
logging into our system. You will need to reboot and try again.


Treasury Services


----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12/24/2017 05:40:02 PM
To: Treasury.Direct at bpd.treas.gov
Subject: Electronic EE and I Savings Bonds (TreasuryDirect)

Message: There is an API documented, www.treasurydirect.gov that is
purported to be useful for obtaining bond data. I am attempting to utilize
this API, with Perl. Every attempt I make to obtain data yields the
following error:

Can't connect to www.treasurydirect.gov:80 Connection refused

Has the API been eliminated? If not, how do I get EE bond pricing
information in an automated fashion? Site: td01 Referer:


Have I wandered into a hacky Customer Support bit from a 90's comedy show?

Ken Farley
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