Schwab shows no tranactions

Steve butterandsalt at
Fri Dec 29 11:00:38 EST 2017

Steve wrote
> I've only used Gnucash and aqbanking module for Schwab Bank downloads
> which
> has always worked great.
> For some reason I've long since forgotten, I thought it didn't work with
> the
> brokerage side.  Guess I'm wrong?  I did start to fool with it, but is
> correct?  Thought I read in the
> documentation somewhere that someone said that was a phishing link???

I misread the documentation; it's another link, one character off, that
someone identified as a phishing link. Nevertheless, I have been
unsuccessful in getting Schwab brokerage transactions to download; I did
note one person's comment that he changed the FID to 8888 from 5104 but
makes no difference, eg no transactions download.

Can anyone conclusively say they have downloads of Schwab brokerage (not
bank) working? If the consensus is that it's not available, will not invest
further time fooling with it... thanks 

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