Advanced Portfolio Income (maybe Brokerage Fees too) incorrect in switch and multiple investments transactions

Alberto Dante alberto.dante at
Wed Jan 11 14:35:26 EST 2017

Hi Chris,
I'm sorry for the long delay due to end year holidays.
Please have a look at attached files (screenshots are of the Advanced 
Portfolio reports).
You can compare results using split transactions (wrong report results) 
and no-split transactions (with DUMMY BANK right report results, as 
account tree values) in the following cases:
1) Switch Investments (FUND 1 and 2)
2) Multiple Investments (FUND 3 and 4)
3) Reinvested dividends (FUND 5)
I think user manuals should emphasize that split transactions must be 
avoided in order to have right Advanced Report results (for 
not-so-experienced users as me).
I've lost many time to separate lot of split investment transactions.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, best regards

On 31/12/2016 01:14, Chris Good wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alberto Dante [mailto:alberto.dante at]
>> Sent: Thursday, 22 December 2016 4:32 AM
>> To: Chris Good <chris.good at>; gnucash-user at
>> Subject: Re: Advanced Portfolio Income (maybe Brokerage Fees too)
>> incorrect in switch and multiple investments transactions
>> On 21/12/2016 02:28, Chris Good wrote:
>>>> Message: 12
>>>> Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 11:45:32 +0100
>>>> From: Alberto Dante <alberto.dante at>
>>>> To: gnucash-user at
>>>> Subject: Advanced Portfolio Income (maybe Brokerage Fees too)
>>>> 	incorrect in switch and multiple investments transactions
>>>> Message-ID: <691053c2-2ebc-b2de-9cdd-f0c5ed915872 at>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>>>> First of all, note that I've put all my investment operations (fee,
>>>> capital gain, dividend, ...) into Income accounts (Income:Finance:...),
>>>> so I can have the net finance balance directly, and I can compare
>>>> different types of Income (Job, Finance, ...) in a glance.
>>>> Simply, my account tree is something like that:
>>>> Assets
>>>>            Current Assets
>>>>                    Cash
>>>>                    Checking
>>>>                            Bank ABC
>>>>            Investment
>>>>                    Broker DEF
>>>>                            Mutual Fund
>>>>                                    FUND 1
>>>>                                    FUND 2
>>>>                                    FUND 3
>>>>                                    FUND 4 Income
>>>>            Job
>>>>                    ........
>>>>            Finance
>>>>                    Investment
>>>>                            Broker DEF
>>>>                                    Mutual Fund
>>>>                                            FUND 1
>>>>                                                    Capital gain
>>>>                                                    Dividend
>>>>                                                    Fee / Commission
>>>>                                            FUND 2
>>>>                                                    ......
>>>>                                            FUND 3
>>>>                                                    ......
>>>>                                            FUND 4
>>>>                                                    ......
>>>> Therefore, in Advanced Portfolio report I have not-zero values only
>>>> in Income column, while Brokerage Fees column has all zero values.
>>>> So I couldn't check Brokerage Fees column values in Advanced
>>>> Portfolio, but I
>>>> think it would be affected by the same problem.
>>>> I've found two situations causes incorrect Income column values in
>>> Advanced Portfolio Report:
>>>> 1) Switch Investments
>>>> When switching e.g. from FUND 1 (sell) to FUND 2 (buy) (without
>>>> involving Bank ABC account), generally you have to pay fees (e.g.
>>>> 5,00
>>>> Euro) charged to FUND 2, while FUND 1 doesn't have any fee (sell is
>>>> for free); total fee = 5,00 Euro.
>>>> In this case Advanced Portfolio income column charges 5,00 Euro both
>>>> to FUND 1 and FUND 2; total fee = 10,00 Euro.
>>>> 2) Multiple Investments
>>>> With just one operation (one transfer from Bank ABC account) you buy
>>>> two funds FUND 3 and FUND 4, paying 8,00 Euro fee each; total fee =
>>>> 16,00 Euro.
>>>> In this case Advanced Portfolio income column charges 16,00 Euro both
>>>> to FUND 1 and FUND 2; total fee = 32,00 Euro.
>>>> Please note that all totals in account tree (mainly
>>>> Income:Finance:...) are always correct; other column values in
>>>> Advanced Portfolio report seems to be correct too.
>>>> Moreover:
>>>> - Basis column how is calculated (when, after multiple buy
>>>> operations, you have a total sell and a new buy again)? Does Advanced
>>>> Portfolio recognize the total sell before the last buy?
>>>> - I calculate capital gain manually; how is it possible to find it
>>>> automatically?
>>>> Realized gain column does it already or uses my manually calculated
>>> values?
>>>> Thanks, Alberto
>>> Hi Alberto,
>>> Just so people know what has already been suggested in bug 776300 [1]:
>>> Comment 1 from Chris Good:
>>> It sounds like you are putting multiple splits for different stock (or
>>> mutual
>>> fund) accounts in the 1 transaction. Advanced Portfolio Report is not
>>> designed to handle that. It would be very complicated to handle that
>>> sort of transaction. Put them in separate transactions even if they
>>> didn't happen like that. For item 1 you'll have to do a dummy in/out
>>> of the bank or brokerage account (or some other account). Please let
>>> us know if the commission is still a problem after you do that.
>>> Note that if you enter splits for fees (or commissions) you will have
>>> to manually calculate capital gains rather than using lots for the
>>> automatic calculation and creation of capital gain transactions. This
>>> is more work but perfectly valid.
>>> If your jurisdiction allows you to deduct fees and you wish to use
>>> automatic calculation of capital gains, you must enter net prices
>>> (less fees) on the stock splits and must not enter splits for the fees.
>>> I am currently documenting this. This means it is not easy to track fees
>>> in specific accounts but this is how it currently is.
>>> In future, you might like to discuss this sort of thing in the
>>> gnucash-user email group before you go to the trouble of raising a bug.
>>> Comment 3 from Chris Good:
>>> I forgot to say, interesting idea making your fees income accounts. I
>>> assume the report will not recognize any brokerage as it expects them
>>> to be expenses.
>>> Comment 4 from Alberto Dante:
>>> I'm thinking about creating a dummy account:
>>> Assets:Current Assets:Checking Account:DUMMY BANK
>>> (which total must be always zero) to use as intermediate step between:
>>> 1) To manage switch investment operations:
>>> Assets:Investments:Broker DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 1 Assets:Current
>>> Assets:Checking Account:DUMMY BANK Assets:Investments:Broker
>>> DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 2
>>> Assets:Investments:Broker DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 3 Assets:Current
>>> Assets:Checking Account:DUMMY BANK Assets:Investments:Broker
>>> DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 4
>>> 2) To manage multiple investment operations:
>>> Assets:Current Assets:Checking Account:BANK ABC
>>> Assets:Current Assets:Checking Account:DUMMY BANK
>>> Assets:Investments:Broker DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 1
>>> Assets:Investments:Broker DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 2
>>> Assets:Investments:Broker DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 3
>>> Assets:Investments:Broker DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 4
>>> This should solve the problem in a handy, strong and clear way.
>>> (I know, this should be a gnucash-user email group discussion, just to
>>> know your opinion)
>>> Comment 5 from Chris Good:
>>> Hi Alberto,
>>> Your new suggestion still has multiple splits for different stock (or
>>> mutual fund) accounts in the 1 transaction.
>>> You need to do for your example 1:
>>> Transaction 1: Sell Fund 1
>>> Assets:Investments:Broker DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 1 Credit Assets:Current
>>> Assets:Checking Account:DUMMY BANK Debit
>>> Transaction 2: Buy Fund 2
>>> Assets:Investments:Broker DEF:Mutual Fund:FUND 2 Debit Assets:Current
>>> Assets:Checking Account:DUMMY BANK Credit
>>> You can use the real bank account or brokerage account so long as you
>>> remember these transactions will not appear on your bank statement.
>>> Please see [2] for info on how to use lots for automatic calculation
>>> of gain.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> vest-sellLots
>>> Regards, Chris Good
>> Hi Chris,
>> with dummy transactions all works fine: both switch and multiple
> investment
>> operations.
>> You must avoid split transactions at all, in order to have correct
> Advanced
>> Portfolio values.
>> Moreover, assumed that after a total sell (0 shares owned):
>> Money Out - Money In + Income - Brokerage Fees = Total Return
>> I realized the problem is with reinvested dividends too: if you follow the
> user
>> manual "Dividends Re-Invested" chapter, the transaction seems to be a
> split
>> transaction for Advanced Portfolio, with incorrect Money In column values.
>> To solve the problem, again I used a dummy transaction: first pay the
>> dividend, then invest it.
>> Maybe user manuals should be improved for not-so-experienced users like
>> me.
>> Thanks for your kindness, best regards Alberto
> Hi Alberto,
> Sorry about the long delay since my last response which is due to my
> holidays.
> I guess when you are talking about split transactions, you mean where there
> are 2 splits for different stocks in the same transaction. As there are at
> least 2
> splits in every transaction, it is not possible to avoid split transactions.
> I'm afraid I don't understand where or how exactly you think the manual can
> be improved. If you can give specific example(s) of where it is wrong and
> what
> it should be, I'll see if I can make it better.
> Regards, Chris Good

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