Sort order in Scheduled Transactions Notification Window

Richard De Vriese richard.devriese at
Sun Jan 15 11:22:51 EST 2017

Thanks Peter. I'd like to toss this on the feature wish list---having the
ability to control the sort order of the scheduled transactions reminder
dialog box.

On Sat, Jan 14, 2017, 9:08 PM prl <prl at> wrote:

> On 15/01/2017 15:38, Richard De Vriese wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply, David. I think you are referring to the scheduled
> > transactions editor window. What I am referring to is the window that
> comes
> > up when you click on Actions | Scheduled Transactions | Since Last
> Run... I
> > don't understand the sort order used for this window, nor how to
> configure
> > it.
> That window appears to be in the same order as the scheduled
> transactions appear in the XML file, which in turn seems to be the order
> in which the Scheduled Transactions were added (certainly the last SX I
> added is last). For accounts stored as an SQL file, I presume they're in
> the order returned by the query that reads them into memory.
> It's not a particularly useful order, but here it is.
> I don't know any way to change the order.
> Peter
> --
Richard De Vriese

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