A couple of Questons about GNUCASH

Chris Good chris.good at ozemail.com.au
Thu Jan 26 17:59:50 EST 2017

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Norma Price [mailto:neprice1952 at gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, 27 January 2017 7:55 AM
> To: chris.good at ozemail.com.au
> Subject: A couple of Questons about GNUCASH
> Hi Chris
> I've looked all over and I can't find the answers to a couple of questions.
> Would you be able to help me?
> 1:  Is there a way to add transaction types for Investments? Currently all
> there is, is Buy & Sell and I would like to see dividends, transfer &
> management fees
> 2:  Is there a way to do a backup from within the software?
> I really appreciate any help you can offer
> Yours truly
> Norma Price
> Elmwood, Ontario
> Canada

Hi Norma,

I am copying my reply to the GnuCash User Mailing List as:
 This is the recommended way of asking questions
 Others are better qualified to answer
 There are other people keen to learn from questions from others
 You may get faster responses from people in your time zone

You can subscribe to the mailing list at 

1. If you click in the Num field on a split (called Action to differentiate 
from Num), a down arrow will appear which if clicked on, shows a selectable 
list of actions. The list of actions depends on the type of account of this 
register I think. For an investment account register, the list includes 
Dividend and Fee among others.
As far as I know, you can also type whatever you want in the Num field - it is 
just a visual hint. Note that the Transaction Num field is used for sorting 
within date but you can also enter whatever you want and not affect the sort 
order, by prefixing your entry with a number.
E.g. On 2 transactions, enter 1-Fee and 2-Dividend in the Num field and the 
transactions will be sorted by date and the number before the first 
non-numeric character.

2. Use File, Save As to save a copy in a backup folder. I suggest immediately 
after doing another File, Save As back to the real file (or File, Open the 
real file) as any changes you make, will be saved to the last file you saved 
or opened.
Please see

Regards, Chris Good
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