Reprinting business vendor check

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Mon Jun 5 08:40:43 EDT 2017

On 6/4/2017 4:14 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   Environment: Slackware-14.1 with gc-2.6.16.
>   Testing a check format I printed an A/P check on plain paper. 
> Determining
> that it fit the checks I have I wanted to re-print it on the actual check
> form, but the information was not visible following the menus Business ->
> Vendor -> Find Bill -> Process Payment. Sometimes a check does not 
> properly
> feed and a new check needs to be printed for the same invoice.
>   How do I access a vendor invoice to re-print the check?
> Rich 
An alternative to what has been suggested, don't print directly. Print 
to file, and then print the file. If you are doing it that way, if the 
printer messes up some checks, you can rerun the print.

You certainly want to be doing it this way during testing. Or if your 
printer messes up checks a lot. There are security issues (physical 
security of checks) but if this is a very small business, you are doing 
it all yourself, you can ignore those.

Michael D Novack

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