Automating home mortgage splits?

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Tue Jun 27 13:52:16 EDT 2017

I Think that is covered in the help manual under scheduled transactions.

David C

On Jun 27, 2017 10:45 AM, "Dan Rawson" <drawson1 at> wrote:

Is it possible to automate the splits associated with a  home mortgage
transaction?  I am downloading the checking account transactions as QFX
from my bank, so from their point of view, it's a single check.  As an

Check amount:  $3000

For payment X, we might have:

Principal:  $1700
Interest:  $400
Tax escrow:  $900

But for payment X+1, the P&I numbers obviously change, while the total and
tax escrow amounts are un-changed.  Unfortunately, I can't download the
split data from the mortgage holder.

Any ideas on how this might be automated?  Or should I just live with doing
the manual entry once per month?



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