Automating home mortgage splits?

Buddha Buck blaisepascal at
Tue Jun 27 15:50:47 EDT 2017

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 11:46 AM Dan Rawson <drawson1 at> wrote:

> Is it possible to automate the splits associated with a  home mortgage
> transaction?  I am
> downloading the checking account transactions as QFX from my bank, so from
> their point of
> view, it's a single check.  As an example:

This is a perfect example of why downloading checking account transactions
from your bank is not necessarily a good idea. As you said, *from their
point of view*, it's a single check, whereas *from your point of view*,
it's not. Your books should reflect your point of view, not someone else's.

Which is why I endorse the scheduled transactions method suggested by

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