Accounting for inventory/stock held

Chris Serella serella_c at
Sat Mar 25 18:46:10 EDT 2017

> GC doens't track inventory in the sense of numbers of widgets and sprockets in
> stock.  I think you need to learn about "Cost of Goods Sold" or COGS accounts.
> I don't know much about them, beyond it is how one accounts for manufacturing
> processes...

Yeah I understand as much (widgets and sprockets).

IF i do need to increase assets then i believe it would be, cost 
decrease of expenses:ingredients, expenses:packaging and increase 
assets:stock, but as no actual money changes hands Im not sure whether I 
should even be doing it that way, somebody said on another post "follow 
the money". On that principle, regardless of the determined sale cost, 
the only transaction then would be to add expenses for manufacturing 
costs. Maybe that's the way to do it and not worry about assets as a 
stock held.

Kind Regards,


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