Fwd: New transaction report - consolidates / creates composite if same description, has find capability and can convert annual data to daily amounts

Gerald Ellis gellis at aeneas.net
Wed Mar 29 12:58:14 EDT 2017

I have been watching this board since before your announcement.  Since
then I have been looking for an indication of where to place these new
files in my Linux (Version 4.9.14-200.fc25.i686+PAE) system.  I am
currently using gnuCash version 2.6.15 built from rev 1ef17e6+ on 2016-
12-19. I have not yet seen anything on this and wonder if you would be
so kind as to give me some instructions.

Thanks in advance

P.S.: I have deleted all of the additional responses to avoid and size
restriction in email handlers or routers.

On Tue, 2017-03-21 at 10:31 -0400, Cindy Doughty wrote:
> Dear Gnucash-Users
> It brings me great pleasure to present an updated and beefed up
> transaction.scm
> In addition to advanced date, transaction and account filtering
> capabilities, and the scaling multiplier features already presented,
> it now
> has a novel multi-column view to separate transactions into splits as
> a
> multicolumn view.
> This will be useful in multiple ways. For example
> 1) report your bank account, and filter by expenses, visualise the
> monies
> leaving your bank into various accounts
> 2) report from your GST/VAT accounts, and visualise the various
> incomes and
> expenses, with quarterly totals. Use figures to determine your
> obligations.
> 3) cut from multicolumn, and paste into spreadsheet for more advanced
> data
> analytics
> See attached sample reports for illustration.I will be happy for this
> report to be submitted to the standard reports.
> Thanks to help from Chris Lam, this report is nearly mature - just
> needs
> some adjustments to UI and settings.
> Doug Doughty
> ---

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