ofxhome.com down

Derek Atkins derek at ihtfp.com
Tue May 2 13:33:07 EDT 2017



tl;dr: ofxhome.com is down.  I emailed the owner.  He found out about it
today.  We should decide what to do.

Long version:

I just heard back from him.  Here's his response:

I just found out about this today. As you can guess I haven't been doing
much with
ofxhome.com recently other than keeping it on life support.

My host was medialayer and it turns out that its owner has passed away and
service has shut down. I should have some old backups available.
Unfortunately I may
not be able to access anything recent. I'll continue looking into this.

Does the community have a plan in place? I'm happy to turn over
ofxhome.com to the
open source community. Or you can go in a different direction if you think
ofxhome.com should be replaced (you won't hurt my feelings, it's old!).

So... what WOULD be the plan?  I don't think we even considered a plan.. 
We could take it over, but we probably want it "hosted" as opposed to
"self-hosted"..  I don't know what the platform is/was that he was using.

Comments?  Suggestions?


On Tue, May 2, 2017 12:41 pm, Derek Atkins wrote:
> yes, we noticed this last night.
> I've emailed the domain owner to inquire.
> -derek
> Paul Faulstich <psf at waltzingcat.com> writes:
>> It appears ofxhome.com has been down since about April 24. Not sure
>> when,
>> or if, it will come back online. This breaks GnuCash's ability to look
>> up
>> bank information.  :(
>> psf
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       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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