Need a static version of GNUCash

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Fri May 12 07:56:09 EDT 2017

On 5/12/2017 6:49 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>> On May 11, 2017, at 7:37 PM, parabolic quadrate <aotaspace at> wrote:
>> Hi everybody
>> I need to have a pure static version of GNUCash (64bit Linux)
Why?  << explain your need >>

As John told you, gnucash uses loadable modules.

Back in my working days, the systems I maintained had some very large 
static modules (gigantic by the experience of most programmers here). 
One of the things I did over those years is to make all of those 
"pseudo-static" << the first time a module was needed, dynamic call but 
then the address where loaded to saved, and subsequent calls static to 
that address; assembler stuff.
That meant just as fast running as if static calls BUT a module could be 
changed without needing to link-edit the entire program. Until all but a 
reserved amount of memory left and then any additional modules called 
dynamic. >>

There should be need for those sort of tricks now. Our little computers 
are faster than the big mainframes of several decades ago.

Michael D Novack

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