Schedule Transactions only auto run on startup

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at
Fri May 12 08:43:50 EDT 2017

> On May 10, 2017, at 4:49 PM, Dave H <hellvee at> wrote:
> No that only causes them to be listed as "created" without any real detail in the popup, you then have to check on the review checkbox every time and click ok to review the transactions in detail.
> Dave H.

I see. I just ran a test SX and I had unchecked the ‘Notify me when created’ option. I really didn’t like the result. It did tell me one was created but no other info about that TX whatsoever. It oddly also told me that none needed to be created though it had just done so and in fact needed to do so ‘since last run.’ I suppose the ‘need to’ might refer to SX that would need my approval, of which there were none. But it still read oddly.

I agree, it would be nice to see maybe a mini-register with all splits visible showing the actual transactions created or to be approved. I just learned variables are possible and require user input. I wonder if a useless variable like “ × a " might be something of a workaround. (where I’d enter “1” as the multiplier) I’ll test that next.

> On 11 May 2017 at 02:54, Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at <mailto:adrien.monteleone at>> wrote:
> Dave & David,
> I too prefer to see those transactions to make sure they were correctly created. I certainly was not suggesting otherwise. (this is already optional of course)
> > On May 10, 2017, at 7:07 AM, Dave H <hellvee at <mailto:hellvee at>> wrote:
> >
> > I also like to give my scheduled txns the once over.  I would be nice if
> > the "Review create transactions" option was a preference (I haven't found
> > it anywhere at least) that I could set on permanently and forget as
> > sometimes I click the OK button before clicking the checkbox and end up
> > inadvertantly dismissing the popup instead of reviewing the txns :-(
> >
> > Cheers Dave H.
> Check the setting in the Overview tab when editing the SX “Notify me when created.” Is that not what you are looking for? There’s also a Preference to set this by default for all future SXs you create and a Preference to “Show Notification Window” under the Since Last Run section of Preferences > Scheduled Transactions.
> -Adrien
> >
> > On 10 May 2017 at 21:22, David Carlson <david.carlson.417 at <mailto:david.carlson.417 at>> wrote:
> >
> >> I do not want the transactions that are created automatically going by
> >> without my looking at them and seeing that they actually were created with
> >> the correct dates, amounts and accounts.
> >>
> >> If there was a chron job equivalent (maybe even without Gnucash running
> >> with the desired file open) or only in a file that GnuCash currently has
> >> open  I would want it collect all the SLR transactions that were created
> >> without supervision kept in a log for later review.
> >>
> >> David C
> >>
> >> On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 6:00 AM, John Ralls <jralls at <mailto:jralls at>
> >>>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>> On May 10, 2017, at 1:07 AM, Adrien Monteleone <
> >>> adrien.monteleone at <mailto:adrien.monteleone at>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> I can see how auto-fired SX entries could result in multiple SLR
> >>> windows. That would be bad. Ideally, you’d have one window with all SXs
> >>> waiting your approval when you got back to the app.
> >>>>
> >>>> However, I might be confused by your wording. Maybe I’m missing
> >>> something or my copy of GC isn’t working correctly.
> >>>>
> >>>> If I have a SX for tomorrow and I leave the app open, and then come
> >> back
> >>> to it say Friday, is there supposed to be a SLR window somewhere waiting
> >>> for me to okay the transaction?  Because if there is, it isn’t happening.
> >>>>
> >>>> Or were you simply referring to the case of “if” the event loop has an
> >>> added SX timer there might be existing windows to deal with?
> >>>>
> >>>> Possibly related, I see I have “Create Automatically” checked. I would
> >>> presume no action is needed on my part for the SX to be created when the
> >>> date for it rolls around. Apparently, this is not the case.
> >>>>
> >>>> I also had “Notify me when created” and “Remind in Advance” set. I
> >> unset
> >>> both of them and will see what happens with a test transaction.
> >>>
> >>> If the event loop were to have an added timer event to run the SLR once a
> >>> day. There's no such timer now.
> >>>
> >>> Even if the SX is "create automatically" it will require user
> >> intervention
> >>> if there are variables in the formula: The user must supply values for
> >> the
> >>> variables in order to create the "real" transaction.
> >>>
> >>> Yes, I suppose one could update and repaint the existing SLR dialog
> >>> instead of telling it to cancel and drawing a new one, but it would be a
> >>> bit more work and invisible to the user.
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> John Ralls
> >>>
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