Bill ID <> Billing ID

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Tue May 16 03:36:14 EDT 2017


I don't think this can be done from within gnucash itself.

Depending on how comfortable you are with python or database programming you 
can try to do it
- via the gnucash python bindings (if they are available on your platform)
- by saving your data into a database (from within gnucash->Save as...) do the 
manipulations in the db and then saving back to xml from within gnucash.

The usual disclaimer applies when going the database route: if you break 
things while manipulating the data directly outside of gnucash, you get to 
keep the pieces. So be sure to make a backup before attempting this.



On maandag 15 mei 2017 22:44:16 CEST nssimpson wrote:
> Hi
> Is there any way I can swap around the "Bill ID" and "Billing ID" for all
> the Vendor invoices we've already inputted?
> Cheers
> Nick
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