Bank reconciliation

David Goodenough david.goodenough at
Mon Nov 13 12:45:43 EST 2017

Does no-one else have this problem?

When we try to split the transaction in the imbalance account to allocate the payment to 
invoices we notice that it almost lets us add one split, but it does not automatically 
decrement the amount allocated to the imbalance account and so try to end up with an 
unbalanced split.  It will also only allow us to allocate one payment (after we have made 
the split balance), there is still an amount in the imbalance account which we can not 
allocate to another payment.


On Thursday, 9 November 2017 14:54:06 GMT David Goodenough wrote:
> I imported transactions from my bank using "import ofx" which has
> populated an account called "Imbalance-GBP" with various transactions.
> One of the transactions represents paying in three cheques we had
> received as payments for ads from three different customers which the
> bank lumped together as one transaction.
> From googling I had come to the conclusion that I should set up a temporary
> holding account (Account type: Asset), have that transaction pay into said
> account and then make three different transactions to Assets:Checking
> Account and use them to pay the invoices. However, when I (using the right
> click menu option while viewing all transactions in said holding account)
> assigned these
> transactions as payments for the invoices the transaction was moved to
> Accounts Receivable automatically and moving it back (by editing the
> other end of the transaction in Assets:Checking Account) causes the
> invoices to become unpaid.
> Clearly I am doing something wrong, quite possibly by not even using the
> right solution to begin with and I don't think banging my head against
> the problem/google any more will be productive, what should I do?
> In short, what is the proper way to handle the case where a single paying-in
> transaction needs to be reconciled against several invoices for multiple
> customers?
> We try to encourage people to pay electronically, then none of this happens,
> and in future if we can not find a solution to this we will ensure that
> cheques are paid in individually, but we need to handle these historic
> transactions.
> David
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