Error - possibly caused by incorrect F::Q update

Eric Coates eric.coates at
Mon Nov 20 06:52:33 EST 2017


First off: I would like to pay tribute to all those who have worked on 
GnuCash to provide a valuable tool and to those who have worked to 
circumvent the recent problems caused by Yahoo. To all of them, my thanks.

But I have a problem (probably caused by my own ignorance). I am running 
GnuCash 2.6.17 on Ubuntu 16.04. Like many others I found that 
Finance::Quote was failing. Following advice from this forum I updated 
F::Q to version 1.45 by running
sudo gnc-fq-update
but did not try to update any stock prices (I only do this once a 
month). Shortly afterwards it became apparent that F::Q 1.45 had some 
problems (no criticism intended) so I have not upgraded further. 
(Neither have I obtained a key from Alphavantage nor – obviously - added 
the key to the environment file.)

However, since doing the upgrade whenever I run the Ubuntu Backup 
utility from its GUI I get an error message that certain files cannot be 
accessed (and are therefore not backed up). The files are:



I have checked and all these files are owned by root. I suspect that the 
cause is that I was in the wrong directory when I ran the fq-update – 
but what do I know?

This is not a big issue but it upsets my tiny tidy mind. Is there a way 
to correct any errors I caused? And, as the end of the month is 
approaching and I will need to upgrade to F::Q 1.47, will these errors 
interfere with that upgrade.

Thanks in advance


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