Printed Payment Authorisation, Credit Note Authorisation, etc
simon at
Thu Nov 23 06:55:13 EST 2017
OK, this is my first post to this forum. I have been using Gnucash for 6 or
7 months now since I took on a voluntary role as treasurer to a community
orchestra. Spent a fair bit of time under the hood tweaking invoice formats
to suit my taste and got it going very well. Thank you all.
Anyway I wanted to share something that might be useful which is only
obliquely covered in the documentation or forums that i could see. I needed
a document with space for two authorising signatures and maybe a recipients
signature and discovered that the Gnucash Cheque (Check) writing feature
could be customised to suit. I don't know if you can see the image I have
tried to insert. Anyway I was further pleased to see that the check print
feature is available in any account. I have cloned my original document into
several variants. Credit Note Authorisation, Petty Cash Voucher, Remittance
Advice, Invoice Discount Authorisation etc. I have included splits detail
where appropriate.
There is good documentation describing how the check printing works. A
simple text file dropped into the user library (I'm running on a MacBook) or
equivalent location depending on your operating system.
There follows a sample of one of my text "check format" files. Paste this
into a text editor, save it as "something.chk" and drop it into the "checks"
folder in the user library (or equivalent per os). Put a logo graphic in
there as well with the same name as referenced in "something.chk" file where
PICTURE is defined. You may want to generate your own Guid number (I got an
app for my phone to generate them) certainly if you run different variants.
The title appears in the print dialog. Any fields you don't want can be
suppressed by giving them coordinants that are off the edge of the page.
I would be interested to know if anyone finds this useful and can get it to
work from my garbled description.
Cheers, Simon.
Here is the code:-
Guid = 639a135d-8299-4349-8a86-77b24403fb58
Title = Payment Authority (Cheque)
Font = sans 10
Rotation = 0.0
# override character blocking from global preferences
Blocking_Chars = false
DateFormat = false
Translation = 0.0;0.0
Show_Grid = false
Show_Boxes = false
[Check Items]
Type_1 = PICTURE
Coords_1 = 70;150
Filename_1 = BYCOlogo.jpg
Type_2 = TEXT
Font_2 = sans bold 16
Coords_2 = 225;70;300;20
Align_2 = right
Text_2 = Payment Authorisation
Type_30 = TEXT
Font_30 = sans bold 12
Coords_30 = 225;90;300;20
Align_30 = right
Text_30 = (and Receipt)
Type_3 = TEXT
Coords_3 = 325;170;200;15
Align_3 = right
Font_3 = sans bold 10
Text_3 = Treasurer
Type_37 = TEXT
Coords_37 = 325;182.5;200;15
Align_37 = right
Text_37 = Joseph Bloggs
Type_4 = TEXT
Coords_4 = 325;195;200;15
Align_4 = right
Text_4 = joe at
Type_5 = TEXT
Coords_5 = 325;207.5;200;15
Align_5 = right
Text_5 = 0555 555 555
Type_6 = TEXT
Coords_6 = 70.0;170.0
Text_6 = BYCO Inc.
Type_7 = TEXT
Coords_7 = 70;207.5
Text_7 = State, Postcode
Type_8 = TEXT
Coords_8 = 70;182.5
Text_8 = AddressLine1
Type_9 = TEXT
Coords_9 = 70;195
Text_9 = AddressLine2
Type_10 = TEXT
Coords_10 = 70;222.5
Font_10 = sans bold 10
Text_10 = TAX Number VAT ABN
Type_11 = TEXT
Coords_11 = 70;232
Text_11 =
Type_12 = TEXT
Coords_12 = 70;250
Text_12 = Paid To:
Type_13 = ADDRESS
Coords_13 = 125;290.0;200;62.5
Type_14 = TEXT
Coords_14 = 400;250;125;20
Text_14 = Date:
Type_15 = DATE
Coords_15 = 400;250;125;20
Align_15 = right
Type_16 = TEXT
Coords_16 = 400;275;125;20
Text_16 = Document:
Coords_17 = 400;275;125;20
Align_17 = right
Type_18 = TEXT
Coords_18 = 70;350
Text_18 = For:
Type_19 = MEMO
Coords_19 = 125;350.0
Type_22 = TEXT
Coords_22 = 70;365
Text_22 =
Type_23 = TEXT
Coords_23 = 70;385
Font_23 = sans italic 10
Text_23 = Additional Details:
Coords_24 = 70;465
Coords_25 = 70;465;455;200
Align_25 = right
Type_26 = TEXT
Coords_26 = 70;475
Text_26 =
Type_20 = TEXT
Coords_20 = 70;500
Font_20 = sans bold 10
Text_20 = Payment Amount: $
Font_21 = sans bold 10
Coords_21 = 190;500
Type_36 = TEXT
Coords_36 = 70;515
Text_36 =
Type_27 = TEXT
Coords_27 = 70;555
Font_27 = sans italic 10
Text_27 = Authorised:
Type_28 = TEXT
Coords_28 = 70;600
Text_28 = BYCO Signature 1:______________________________________
Type_29 = TEXT
Coords_29 = 70;645
Text_29 = BYCO Signature 2:______________________________________
Type_31 = TEXT
Coords_31 = 70;695
Font_31 = sans italic 10
Text_31 = Received by
Type_35 = PAYEE
Coords_35 = 127;695
Font_35 = sans italic 10
Type_32 = TEXT
Coords_32 = 70;740
Text_32 = Recipient Signature:_____________________________________
Type_33 = TEXT
Coords_33 = 70;782.5
Font_33 = sans italic 9.5
Text_33 = Bloggstown Youth & Community Orchestra (BYCO) exists so that
people of all ages and musical abilities can
Type_34 = TEXT
Coords_34 = 70;795
Font_34 = sans italic 9.5
Text_34 = enjoy playing orchestral music together.
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