Scheduled transactions
prl at
Fri Oct 6 08:08:42 EDT 2017
Somehow, though, the scheduled transactions seem to be using '.' for the
decimal separator (from the error message). Perhaps if you re-write the
values in the scheduled transactions, the problem will be fixed.
On 6/10/2017 19:13, Alain Dormoy wrote:
> When I type '.' GC writes ','
> But this is just default. I'd just as well have it write '.' (this is
> how I have set it in the "regional settings" in my general system, as
> I prefer the American way)
> Alain
> Le 06/10/2017 à 09:59, prl a écrit :
>> On 6/10/2017 18:29, Alain Dormoy wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Since I reinstalled GC (2.6.17) under Win 10 on a new computer,
>>> everytime I launch GC, I get this type of error message:
>>> "Error parsing SX [name of a (scheduled) transaction] key [debit
>>> formula] = formula [14.90] at [.90] caractère non défini."
>> Do you have '.' or ',' set as your decimal separator (i.e. does
>> Gnucash expect EUR1.23 or EUR1,23)?
>> Peter
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