CSV Imports

Nick Judd n.clark.judd at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 01:33:24 EDT 2017

Hello everyone,

I have been using Gnucash for personal accounting for the last couple of 
years. I have questions about CSV imports relevant to this thread:


1. Using Gnucash 2.6.18, my experience is that it is not straightforward 
to import transactions from CSV using a CSV /I have generated using 
GNUCash/, into exactly the same account structure.

Am I missing something here?

2. Looking over previous threads, I understand that Gnucash's CSV import 
cannot really handle multi-split transactions. I need multi-split 
transactions and I can code well in Python but am useless in Gnucash's 
native C/C++. The solutions that immediately come to mind are trying to 
shoehorn the data in using Gnucash's Python API (bad) or to use Python 
to reshape the CSV into a more Gnucash-friendly object (easier -> 
better). However, the threads I have seen focus more on the general 
notion that CSV import really isn't going to be ready for prime time 
until 2.8 than on the kinds of things CSV import can currently do well. 
I am interested in the latter.

Apologies for retreading ground that I am sure comes up a lot. Thanks 
for your help.


Nick Judd

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