Unrealized loss

cageda at free.fr cageda at free.fr
Sun Apr 1 10:17:26 EDT 2018

De: "John Ralls" <jralls at ceridwen.us> 
À: cageda at free.fr 
Cc: gnucash-user at gnucash.org 
Envoyé: Dimanche 1 Avril 2018 15:34:43 
Objet: Re: Unrealized loss 

On Apr 1, 2018, at 5:13 AM, [ mailto:cageda at free.fr | cageda at free.fr ] wrote: 


I have have had an "unrealized loss" showing on my balance sheet for years. I haven't bothered too much as the amount is extremely small. (€7.70). 

I had kind advice on this forum as to identify the date on which the loss showed up and the procedure to cancel it. I did find the date but stangely not the transaction. So I'm not going to keep trying to cancel the loss any longer. 

I read that, without actually "cancelling" the loss, it is possible to prevent it from showing. I know that this is not legal for a company, but my book keeping is fully personal so I'd like to know the procedure. 

“Cancelling” isn’t really the right term. You need to record the loss as either expense or negative income depending on how you handle capital gains. There’s an explanation of how to do this in [ https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.6/C/gnucash-guide/invest-sell1.html | https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.6/C/gnucash-guide/invest-sell1.html ] . 

John Ralls 


Thank youy for your reply. 

The manual you sent me the link to is very dense and I haven't got a clue where to start. 

Given that: 

- I do not manage stock using split transactions (I don't manage currencies other than EUR either) 
- As mentioned above, I identified the day the unrealized loss turned up but none of the transactions entered on that day (or the day before) can possibly explain the loss 

I'd rather have the loss be not "canceled" (which I unsuccessfully tried to do) but just hidden, as I've read somewhere that was technically (if not legally for a company which I'm not) feasible. 


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