GNUCash 3.0: Report Printing problems

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at
Wed Apr 4 14:44:44 EDT 2018

Perhaps I’m reading that bug report wrong. It may be that the solution implemented inadvertently removed direct to printer output. It seems webkit2 can’t ‘export to pdf’ not that it can’t print at all. (how do Safari and Chrome print PDF then?)

Or maybe I’m just not understanding the issue and how GC produces on-screen reports.

But yes, I can’t print direct to a real printer either via File > Print or the Print button on 10.13.4 either, so not just a Windows or W10 problem.


> On Apr 4, 2018, at 1:36 PM, Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at> wrote:
> Since reports are PDF and direct printing of PDF was not working with WebKit2, the change was made to redirect File > Print and the Print button to instead export to PDF for now and the export button was removed since it was duplicate functionality. See this bug:
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Apr 4, 2018, at 1:27 PM, Dave H <hellvee at> wrote:
>> So I should be able to run a report such as the Balance Sheet and then click on the printer icon to print it on one of my physical printers ?  Currently all that happens is that it wants to save it as a pdf - doesn't seem to be an option to send directly to the printer ?
>> GnuCash 3.0, Mac High Sierra 10.13.4 so perhaps not just a Win10 issue ?
>> Cheers Dave H.
>> On 5 April 2018 at 01:00, Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at> wrote:
>> Welcome to GnuCash Steve!
>> I just caught up on a thread about W10 printing issues. It seems the problem has indeed carried over to the 3.0 series. (and still exists in 2.6.x)
>> As long as you can then print that PDF, it’s an extra step, but you aren’t locked out of printing.
>> Unfortunately, looking at your questions in 2-4, you might need an extra few steps anyway.
>> There’s no need to export first, you can simply select-all and copy/paste your report into Excel, and use that to format your printout with desired page-breaks, paper size, and footer.
>> Directly to your #3 - Check in File > Page Setup. You can set paper size and orientation there.
>> You can’t directly control page breaks, but you can change page orientation and you can adjust font-size by editing the stylesheets or creating your own stylesheet. However, you’ll likely have to alter this by trial and error and then do so each time the report changes. (not very time efficient)
>> Likewise, you can customize the Footer stylesheet to your needs which will allow you to print a footer on the page. There are some variables to use in some places but I’m not sure if page-number and page-count are included in these or if they’d even work in the footer. You might have to create a custom report. (which would be even more trouble)
>> The easiest way to get all requirements is to copy/paste and format in Excel as noted.
>> Please note, a proper reporting system is on the wish list, but it’s going to be well down the road until after core parts of the app are rebuilt, particularly, the transition to a true database app. Till then, we can always use our favorite spreadsheet for custom and ‘pretty printing’.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On Apr 4, 2018, at 2:03 AM, Steve Parry <sparry at> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> GNUCash newbie here.
>>> The problems I am having are:
>>> 1.    I can only print to PDF – no option for real printer use. I understand this is a problem with GNUCash on W10, so I’ll let that go.
>>> 2.    If I create a PDF report it splits whatever is at the page break across the pages. For example the top half of a text line will be on the bottom of page 1 and the bottom half of the text on page 2. How do I make it page break at the end of a line?
>>> 3.    Australia use A4 paper, but I can’t see where the PDF page size in GNUCash is set up. One Report needs to be in A3 landscape, and currently I have to export it to HTML, into Excel, reformat and then print it.  Is there a way of setting the PDF print properties for GNUCash?
>>> 4.    I want to add a report footer that has “Page x of y” in for my multi-page reports. How do I do that?
>>> Thank you everyone – be gentle😊
>>> Cheers
>>> …Steve
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