[GNC] future of custom reports in 3.x

Amish anon.amish at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 11:45:11 EDT 2018

May be fastest and easiest way would be to first save sample data (say 
only 1 transaction) to say PostgreSQL database and then use pg_dump to 
dump it to text file.


On Tuesday 10 April 2018 08:57 PM, Matthew Pounsett wrote:
> On 8 April 2018 at 13:13, John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us 
> <mailto:jralls at ceridwen.us>> wrote:
>     In the meantime there are four alternatives for custom reports:
>     2. Learn SQL and use a SQL backend to extract the data you want.
>     The results are generally amenable to import into a spreadsheet
>     for further processing; you could also install the appropriate
>     ODBC module for your SQL engine of choice and connect to it with
>     Libre/OpenOffice, Microsoft Access, or some similar tool with a
>     custom report writer or your favorite programming language’s SQL
>     interface (e.g. DBAPI for Python).
> Is there some clear documentation of the SQL schema somewhere?  I had 
> a look through the gnc-*-sql.cpp files, but it's not the most 
> transparent description of a database that I've ever read. :)   I was 
> considering putting together a set of Python/SQLAlchemy classes that 
> implement the object-data mapping, and would be happy to contribute it 
> back to the project, if people thought that'd be useful.

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