[GNC] Addition of Mailing List Subject Prefix

listreader suselist at cableone.net
Wed Apr 11 00:10:20 EDT 2018

On Tue, 10 Apr 2018 16:17:55 -0500
Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net> wrote:

> What is your e-mail client? Can it not filter mail? Can it not tag
> mail? Can it not handle mailing-lists?

Hello Adrien...

Mail clients are usually identified in the email header (X-mailer,
User-Agent, or etc) so I'm not sure why you are asking since mine is
right there in front of you but whatever. You can see that mine is
Claws Mail. And, yes, of course it can filter, tag, and/or handle
mailing lists. It is, in fact, likely the most configurable gui mail
client there is in any OS, though I myself hardly use it to it's maximum

I'm an old timer, left over from arpanet days, so I 'live' in email
probably far more than most people nowadays.  I use 3 mail servers: (1)
my cable isp, (2) a 'free mail' provider whose name doesn't start with
the letter 'g', and (3) my owned domain's mail server.

I 'filter' at the server level, I have completely separate email
accounts for many of my contacts, a different address for each, and
where volume is low to a particular contact, I use aliases, again at
the server level.  This is supplemented at the client level with 154
additional filters (yeah, I actually just counted them for this
message), some of which have multiple if/or sub-filters, all ending up
in 28 main folders with additional sub-folders below some of those, 80
folders in total, not counting archive and spam folders.  I think
that's enough, thanks, don't need more.  So I prefer to 'filter' the
mailing list folder with just my eyes.

And this discussion is all now so ridiculously off-topic to this list's
purpose that maybe we need a new subject prefix '[GNC-OT]' for 'off
topic' discussions, so we can filter it out :-)


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