[GNC] Compile of 3.2 fails

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Fri Aug 3 07:47:44 EDT 2018


It may be possible that there is a dependency that cmake doesn't check
for that may be missing. There would normally be an error message in
the output somewhere just before the "recipe for target failed"
message. If when you run make you use 
make >& log.txt
you can dump the make output to a logfile and search it with the text
editor (xed). The other alternative is to edit the preferences for the
terminal and make sure the limit scrolllback checkbox is not set. You
can copy terminal output by selecting it, right click and copy or use

If you can post the make output either directly (if not too long) or
use a pastebin if it is very long, we should be able to help sort the
problem. If you are using Nabble you can attach files or attach then to
the email.

It would also help if you post the commands you used to setup the build
directory and the cmake command you used as the cmake command syntax is
very sensitive to the relative positioning of the source and build

David Cousens

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