[GNC] few questions on gnucash
David Cousens
davidcousens at bigpond.com
Sun Aug 5 21:28:47 EDT 2018
GnuCash is primarily a double entry accounting system. It is used world wide
so its functions are usually generic accounting rather than customized
solutions for a specific tax and legislative framework in a specific
It can certainly record deposits and withdrawals from a check account. If
your bank supports certain banking and financial data protocols protocols
data can be downloaded directly from your bank to create entries in the
appropriate Asset, Income and Expense accounts. Usually OFX or CSV
downloaded files are supported by most banks but direct online access from
GnuCash to the bank is more variable. If you tells us where you are you may
be able to get more specific advice from users located near you.
GnuCash can handle some types of tax transactions but does require some user
intervention in defining appropriate tax tables and rules and appropriate
account structures. There is some guidance for setting up in specific
jurisdictions in the documentation and user forums. Most commonly VAT and
GST type taxes can be accounted for fairly easily.
GnuCash generally does not have a Sales Tax report as such. These are
generally very locality and tax authority dependant and variable in the
content required. It does have a general transaction report that can be
restricted to appropriate tax accounts and filtered to return transactions
which can then be exported and used in other programs or spreadsheet
software for further processing. Users can also generate and produce custom
reports but this requires some programming expertise.
You may get mor information aboput the suitability of GnuCash for your
purpose by reading the tutorial and Concepts Guide
David Cousens
David Cousens
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