[GNC] Column widths again

GT-I9070 H gti9070h at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 19:19:18 EDT 2018

Em sex, 17 de ago de 2018 às 15:24, John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us>

> I think GTI made a translation error, the "rate" field is probably "price"
> on a stock/mutual fund register, which has two more columns than the other
> registers.

heheheh, 😀 it's possible that was it!

Excuse me, my English is not good, but besides my bad English, there is
also a doubt that I never found necessary to clarify.

Maybe I'm wrong here too:
For me, I have agreed that "rate" is the exchange rate between two
currencies and that "price" would be the price I paid for a share on the
stock exchange.

I said "rate" because the field that was added was the "rate" (exchange
rate between two currencies) and its values are exactly these and the most
curious is that this was in an asset account(Currency) register.


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