[GNC] Cannot change preferences

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Sat Aug 18 02:16:05 EDT 2018

Op vrijdag 17 augustus 2018 16:52:32 CEST schreef Ken Heard:
> I would expect that the default preferences and the changed preferences
> would be in the same file, not in a different file.  So the defaults
> must be somewhere where gnucash can find them.  Where would that
> 'somewhere' be, and where would the changes be recorded?
I didn't answer this part.

As I wrote before gnucash uses GSettings, a part of glib. GSettings in turn 
uses dconf as storage backend. The defaults are compiled in the GSettings 
schema for gnucash which is typically installed in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas

I don't know how and where dconf stores the changes. I never had to bother 
with that.

However by asking you to make changes with dconf-editor I'm trying to 
establish whether dconf itself is working correctly on your system.



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