[GNC] Cannot change preferences -- see bug 555187?

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Sat Aug 18 13:38:02 EDT 2018

Op zaterdag 18 augustus 2018 16:34:14 CEST schreef Ken Heard:
> Last evening I was thinking of filing a bug report for my problem.  In
> the process I found a previous bug report 555187 dealing with the same
> one (1).  This bug was originally filed on 2008-10-16, but the last
> comment on it by André Klapper was filed on 2018-08-17 13:58:19 UTC --
> yesterday!
That bug is about GConf, which was used for preferences before we switched to 
dconf. GConf and dconf are completely different tools and your problem is with 
dconf so this bug is irrelevant here.

The only thing André added yesterday was a message indicating that the (old) 
GConf tool should be considered dead and burried. Which is fine because 
gnucash has not been using it since version 2.6.0.

> Surely however if some basic change was made to preferences
> modifications just before my last migration in April 2018, there must be
> something to replace directory ~/.gconf. The gnucash version I have in
> Thailand is 2.6.4-2; the one I have now in Canada is 2.6.15-1; so
> perhaps there was such a change.
Well, no. Both gnucash 2.6.4 and 2.6.15 use exactly the same preference code.

And particularly as you can't even make a change directly using dconf-editor 
indicates this is not a gnucash problem. Something else on your system is not 

You can follow Colin's suggestions to try and fix dconf.



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