Price Retrieval Failure, Part 2

John Ralls jralls at
Thu Feb 8 11:33:33 EST 2018

> On Feb 8, 2018, at 6:52 AM, David T. via gnucash-user <gnucash-user at> wrote:
> In thread <>, I noted that after upgrading my installation from 2.6.16 to 2.6.19 on my Mac (OS X 10.13.3), Price retrieval was failing with the generic error: "There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes.”
> *** As I noted there: Finance::Quote works at the command line:
> $ /Applications/
> ("1.47" "adig" "aex" "aiahk" "alphavantage" "amfiindia" "asegr" "asia" "asx" "australia" "bamosz" "bet" "bmonesbittburns" "bourso" "brasil" "bse" "bsero" "canada" "canadamutual" "citywire" "cominvest" "cse" "deka" "dutch" "dwsfunds" "europe" "fetch_live_currencies" "fidelity" "fidelity_direct" "fidelityfixed" "financecanada" "finanzpartner" "finland" "fool" "france" "ftfunds" "ftportfolios" "ftportfolios_direct" "fundlibrary" "goldmoney" "greece" "hex" "hu" "hufund" "hungary" "hustock" "indiamutual" "known_currencies" "lerevenu" "maninv" "morningstar" "morningstarjp" "mstaruk" "nasdaq" "nyse" "nz" "nzx" "platinum" "romania" "seb_funds" "sixfunds" "sixshares" "stockhousecanada_fund" "tdefunds" "tdwaterhouse" "tiaacref" "tnetuk" "troweprice" "troweprice_direct" "trustnet" "tsp" "tsx" "uk_unit_trusts" "ukfunds" "unionfunds" "usa" "usfedbonds" "vanguard" "vwd" "yahoo" "yahoo_asia" "yahoo_australia" "yahoo_brasil" "yahoo_europe" "yahoo_json" "yahoo_nz" "yahoo_yql" "za" "za_unittrusts”)
> $ /Applications/ -v alphavantage AAPL
> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>    symbol: AAPL                 <=== required
>      date: 02/08/2018           <=== recommended
>  currency: USD                  <=== required
>      last: 160.1350             <=\       
>       nav:                      <=== one of these
>     price:                      <=/        
>  timezone:                      <=== optional
> *** As I noted earlier: I restored the following two lines to /Applications/
> # Set AlphaVantage API Key to allow Finance::Quote to work
> It seems to me that somehow is not reading or using the ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY that is stored in its environment file. Either that, or somehow my environment file is not properly configured. However, I do not see any way to test these hypotheses. 
> Can anyone tell me how I might determine **FROM WITHIN GNUCASH.APP** whether the Alphavantage API key is being read, and what its value currently is? Is there any other way to troubleshoot this problem?


There’s no UI for examining the environment. I can only say that it works for me on MacOS 10.13 and GnuCash 2.6.19.

If you’re willing to hack a bit you could add a snippet to to print out the value of the key:

  print (“Alphavantage Key: $ENV{‘ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY’}\n”}

Put it down at the bottom somewhere after the #Runtime comment. You’ll have to run GnuCash from the command line to see that output.

Geert pushed a commit last week that keeps the Alphavantage key in preferences instead of the environment file so that in 3.0 one won’t have to keep resetting the environment file.

John Ralls

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