inventory management examples or links

Rick Copple rick at
Mon Feb 12 15:00:51 EST 2018

On 02/12/2018 06:25 AM, Bert Heijne wrote:
> Would be nice to see some real samples in gnucash to study.
> Any links or G search links  would be nice

Here you go! Screen shot attached, if the list allows them.

You can see how through entering a bill (or you could do it from a bank 
acct or cash as the case may be) how it increases the amount by the 
amount of the bill. Then, when I sale each item, I enter two 
transactions. One you don't see here, but it is an invoice where the 
income is recorded and the money for it put into the bank, or wherever 
it goes for you. Meanwhile, I get the cost of goods sold amount from my 
spreadsheet when I enter it there. I use that figure to enter a COGS 
amount from inventory. The difference is your profit between the income 
minus the COGS for that product.

You can also see where I've entered some inventory adjustments. I don't 
have a lot of transactions a year, so I could fit the whole of my 
inventory page on one screen! Though I have more to add in that isn't in 
there, lazy as I am.

But this gives you the basics of what I'm doing.

Rick Copple

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