Reports crash Gnucash (resolved)

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Mon Feb 19 14:13:49 EST 2018

On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 10:29 AM, Stan Brown <the_stan_brown at>

> On 2018-02-10 10:37, Stan Brown wrote:
> I can't see any reason why uninstalling and reinstalling the program
> would have fixed the problem with crashing on report production (or very
> slow performance). And it seems weird that both versions, 2.6.18 as well
> as 2.6.19, would take two minutes to produce their first report but then
> produce all later reports very quickly. It's not Windows updates; none
> were done between the two times I tried GnuCash.
> The only difference I can see there is that the first report was against
> a file created with just the Common Accounts from the wizard, and no
> transactions, whereas the later reports were all created from my real
> file, with my account structure, opening balances (via transaction, not
> on the New Account dialog), and transactions for the first 3½ weeks of
> January.

I know very little about the Windows version of GnuCash (I have only ever
used the linux versions). That said, I wonder if this has to do with Guile
or Scheme precompiling and/or caching the report code. I know there has
been some discussion on this list saying that when you EDIT the scheme code
on your own Windows system, you may have to go through a separate process
to get Windows to recognize your changed code, because GnuCash sometimes
continues to run the original code.

I know on linux the precompiling must be extremely fast, or maybe it isn't
triggered in the same way as in Windows. Since recent versions of the
Scheme code or the Scheme interpreter in Windows cause a longer delay than
before, maybe now the interpreter proactively precompiles everything in
Windows, while in linux maybe Guile only compiles each file as it's first
called. (This is just speculation.)

If this a reasonable explanation, I wonder if it's possible to detect the
precompiling when it occurs in Windows and pop up a message on the screen
while it happens.

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