[GNC] How to move my Windows 10 2.6.17 to a new Windows 10 machine?

Dick Gardner rbg1943 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 14:08:21 EDT 2018

 I've read a lot of mailing list posts but I'm still clear on how to move
the data on my very simple account over. Seems to me it's actually got to
be pretty straightforward.

I've downloaded and installed 2.6.21 on the new Win10 (haven't run anything
yet)​.  'Save As' on the old machine shows my data file is in \TECO DATA.
Lots of .gnucash files (Text and Financial Data) are there, including last
nights Financial Data file. But it's only 218KB -- can that be enough for
the full data for a system I've used (admittedly very lightly) for 7 years?
If so, do I just make a TECO DATA folder on the new machine and copy this
one file over?

What do I do with my \Users\...\.gnucash folders and files? copy them all
to the New machine's \Users?

And then Preferences (not using online banking). How do I get the HKEY
_...../gnucash over to the new setup?   I've never added/inserted a key key
with regedit - is it easy enough? what type key is it?

Sorry to be so long winded but trying to be complete and clear. I hope I'm
not too far off.

Thank you for your help.

rbg1943 at gmail.com

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