[GNC] File, Import transactions, Match Transactions form Select account

Robert Mari robert.v.mari at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 02:08:58 EDT 2018

When selecting accounts from:
File-> Import -> Match Transactions form -> Select account
I find it tedious to always have to click on the arrow to expand the sub
accounts. It would be really nice if the Account Selection form from an
account transaction could be used instead. Unless there is a faster
keystroke method.

for instance when in an account if I type exp: it takes me to expenses, then
rep: takes me to expenses:repairs:  then h automatically takes me to

In the File Import Match Transactions form I have to double click, then I
can type exp to get to expenses but then I have to click with mouse on the
arrow (sometimes it takes a couple clicks) then click on rent to expand it
as well, then on home.


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