GNUcash setup

Ken G. Brown kbrown at
Thu Mar 1 12:55:45 EST 2018

Just getting set up on GNUcash for the first time and would like some recommendations.

I have two separate proprietorship type business ventures that I want to track separately and that both get rolled up into my personal income taxes that I also want to use GNUcash for e.g. medical, house expenses, utilities etc. Within the businesses, I would also like to keep certain projects separate in order to easily see and report on project details. A portion of my utilities and house expenses would get expensed to the businesses because of home office space.

What is the best way to handle this tracking via one set of accounts? Or is it best to keep separate data files for each of personal, business #1, business #2?

Thx for any tips or insight.
Ken G. Brown

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