General Ledger

Leo Bolta lbolta at
Sun Mar 4 20:55:59 EST 2018

Thanks for your comments Wm.  I actually purchased the 1882 bookkeeping text
book in a Value Village second hand store for just over $5.  Recently I also
purchased an old King James Bible from 1840's but when I consulted an
antique book dealer about these purchases he told me that they had no real
monetary value hence, I entered them in gnc as 'expense:books.  My
handwriting is so bad that I myself cannot read it so stick to printing by
caps only.

Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user
[ at] On Behalf Of Wm
via gnucash-user
Sent: March-03-18 4:45 AM
To: gnucash-user at
Subject: Re: General Ledger

On 02/03/2018 16:22, Leo Bolta wrote:
> Not to keep the thread alive but these are photos of select pages of 
> the
> 1882 High School bookkeeping text book, I referred to earlier and 
> promised to distribute.  Several of the previous commenter's may have 
> been quite accurate in regards to the historical progression but these 
> pages are just for those who might be interested on how it was 
> expressed before the turn of the last century.

Thank you for sharing that.  Have you got the books under


in your gnc ? :)

 >  Also take note of the penmanship from the personal notes
> of the student included in the last's penmanship is 
> a shame by comparison.

My father can write like that, I'd have been a failure if it wasn't for
computers by comparison.

>  My apologies for portions of text which are slightly blurred.

Don't apologise, I found it interesting, the slightly blurred bits didn't
spoil the view for me.


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