Transaction report ?? currency symbol

r0bis roberts.klotins at
Thu Mar 8 03:23:24 EST 2018

I agree, it is a generic solution. However Docker is becoming more popular
these days and it is really helpful to get GnuCash working on distributions
that do not carry GnuCash for wahtever reason. AFAIK it works even cross
platform - you can run the same imege on Windows too. Finance management is
conservative; I do not want to have a time without my finance/acounting
program because my laptop has a new OS. With Docker you can have a very
conservative and predictable GnuCash. Data exchange goes very well through
mounted volumes, printouts of reports - through PDF exports.

So I seriously think that docker solution should  be linked somewhere close
to the top of GnuCash hierarchy of webpages. I hated the situation where I
had to fire up my old laptop just to run GnuCash; you want your finance
program to be conservative AND portable.

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