Account Report/Register Report
Mike or Penny Novack
stepbystepfarm at
Fri Mar 9 12:31:40 EST 2018
On 3/8/2018 5:40 PM, Robin Chattopadhyay wrote:
> I've tested the report several times under varying use cases and
> cross-checked against both pen & paper and a spreadsheet, so I'm fairly
> confident that it's reporting what I want it to report.
> David C. suggested saving the register report and I certainly could do
> that. Honestly, it hadn't occurred to me to save the report. The catch is
> that this report doesn't currently allow you to select/change the account
> at runtime, so I would have to create a separate, saved report for each
> account I wanted to report on.
Well, after running the report could export it.
That's what I do. I have a folder into which reports are exported and
then suitably renamed. Then I can refer back to them at any time in the
future without gnuscash itself being cluttered. It just needs one
"skeleton" for each report I run.
For example, take an organization for which I am treasurer and the board
of directors meets quarterly. So each quarter I would be running an
Income Statement report retitled "Statement of Revenues and Expenses"
and a Balance Sheet for the end of that quarter and export them.
(already have the Balance Sheet for the beginning of the quarter run as
Balance Sheet of the previous quarter) Then I would rename them (in that
folder) to something like "Revenues-and-Expenses-q1-2018" and
"Balance-Sheet-20180331". << those are the RAW reports -- I use the
contents of those to produce the pretty print, excess detail removed
reports that the board gets >>
Michael D Novack
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