Tax tables

jeffrey black beastmaster126 at
Wed Mar 21 15:53:08 EDT 2018

On 3/18/2018 11:00 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Mar 18, 2018, at 8:43 AM, Alan Schold <aschold at> wrote:
>> Wll the tax template in Reports be updated in light of the new US tax law?
> Eventually, when Alex Aycinena finds time to do it.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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Alex and I have had a discussion about this.

Currently, GnuCash uses Version 41 of the txf (tax exchange format) 
format.  The newest I have been able to locate is V42, which was last 
updated in November of 2011.  These codes are "supposedly" maintained by 
Intuit.  V42 does better represent some I.R.S. forms.  Unfortunately, 
numerous tax forms have changed since then and some new ones added.

Hopefully, Alex will have time to incorporate the V42 txf codes into the 
next stable release of GnuCash.

Personally, I hope there is a newer version of txf codes out there 
somewhere right now that more accurately reflects current tax forms and 
could be incorporated in future revisions of GnuCash.  I have continued 
to look without luck but; maybe some other user or developer, out there 
will have better luck locating a newer version of txf codes.

Either way, GnuCash, in it's current evolution has been a great time 
saver for me and I am grateful for all the effort the developers have 
put into making GnuCash the best accounting software available.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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