"Unrealized Losses" in Trial Balance Report

Richard richardcd73 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 02:02:53 EDT 2018

Hi there,


I’ve been using GnuCash for about a year to run a small business in Singapore. I’m thrilled that it has worked so well, since I have no accounting experience, but I’m trying to create a Trial Balance report for my accountant, and I can’t get it to work right. At the bottom of the report there is  a line showing “Unrealized Losses” of S$230.42, which seems to have come out of nowhere. Note that this line does not correspond to any account, but is something that the report has automatically added, and it is causing a mismatch between Debits and Credits. Does anyone know why a Trial Balance report would show a line like this? Is this a bug? I saw the following conversation on gnucash-dev that seems to be discussing something similar, but I’m not sure.




There are a few other things to note about my situation. First, I should say that I’m running GnuCash 2.6.19 on Mac OS 10.13.3. Second, I have no investment accounts or stocks in this set of accounts, so I don’t have any unrealized losses due to that. Finally, I am using two currencies (USD and SGD), and I do have a small loss (of S$3.58 I think) that I have not yet accounted for. I saw mention of multiple currencies in the thread I linked to above. Could this be causing the problem?


Thanks for any help or advice. I’m hoping to get around this problem and close my books for 2017.





richardcd73 at gmail.com

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