database problem with invoices to more than one customer

Mike Evans mikee at
Sun Mar 25 11:07:36 EDT 2018

Did you associate the job to the first customer? If you did them each time you choose the job, then the invoice velongs to the first customer and that's what gets created. An invoice belonging the first customer. A job has one customer, you have to create a job for each customer.

Mike E

On Sun, 25 Mar 2018 07:37:25 -0700 (MST)
Vario816 <993-4s at> wrote:

> Thanks for your input Rick. I realize what you are saying. But I was 
> following the steps that you are also referring to and the result is
> that everytime the first ever saved customer name is popping up
> again. Eventhough auto suggestion is offering me any of the other
> customers saved before.
> I will try to add some more screen shots.
> Thomas
> --

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