Problem with tax table under sqlite3

John Ralls jralls at
Sun Mar 25 20:29:12 EDT 2018

> On Mar 25, 2018, at 5:21 PM, Rick Copple <rick at> wrote:
> Thank you, John, for bearing with me.
> On 03/25/2018 04:37 PM, John Ralls wrote:
>> Rick,
>> OK, I'll try again. You reported that when you post an invoice "it fails to accumulate in the liability account" until you "edited the tax table [and]... reposted that invoice. Then it showed up in the liability account..."
>> Then you "went back in" (presumably having quit and restarted GnuCash) and tried to post another invoice, only to have to edit the tax table again to get to "accumulate".
>> I need you to break that down so that I understand exactly what happened when and what is the problem.
>> When posting an invoice without first editing the tax table:
>> Is the sales tax liability account register open when you post the invoice?
> I've done it both ways, register open and closed. Same thing happens.
>> Are you examining that register immediately after posting the invoice and not seeing the invoice's transaction there?
> Yes.
>> What about other accounts (e.g. Accounts Receivable) that the invoice should have posted to? If the transaction is present in those other accounts, does it include the tax split if you put it in split view?
> Yes, it posts to the A/R account, but without the sales tax split showing, despite it showing in the invoice itself.
>> If the tax liability register was open when you post the invoice, does closing and reopening it change anything?
> No, it is either there or not.
>> Otherwise, if the splits are all there after you post the invoice, do some or all of them disappear when you quit and restart GnuCash?
> The splits are not there after I post an invoice unless, for that session since opening the program, I first edit the tax table to include the tax %. The strange thing is when I go to edit it, the name of the sales tax item in the left pane shows up, in my case "Marble Falls", but there is nothing in the right window UNTIL  I click on the name "Marble Falls", then the "Sales Tax Payable" account shows up in the right window (it does the same thing in the XML database, but it still calculates it correctly). It doesn't accumulate the sales tax into that register/account until I edit the entry on the right side (it shows 8.25% as I had entered before), and then once I go in and edit the invoice that didn't post sales tax, unpost it, save the line by clicking through it, then reposting it.
>> You report all this for the Sqlite3 backend. Does it work correctly when you do the same using the XML backend?
> Yes, it works as expected for the XML backend. It is only in the Sqlite3 backend that I've had this happen. Note, I've not attempted using MySql or PostSql on this as it would require me stetting it up. I don't know if it would do the same  thing on those backends or not.
> I've experimented with this some and can't seem to isolate why this is happening. If you can think of anything else I could try, let me know.

Thanks, now I understand what's happening.

What I don't understand is why the backend would make a difference. Geert will be back on Tuesday and he's way more familiar with the business code. Maybe he'll have an idea of what's going on.

John Ralls

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