GST / HST / VAT on Employee Vouchers

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Wed Mar 28 09:04:28 EDT 2018

Op woensdag 28 maart 2018 13:12:30 CEST schreef Jason Currie:
> I'm not sure how VAT works elsewhere, but for Canadian HST, I when I
> reimburse an employee for a business expense, I can claim the input tax
> credits. I need the HST paid by the employee to go to my HST Paid account.
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I probably expressed myself poorly. In gnucash the employee voucher feature is 
not intended to be used in case VAT is involved. It was written with a very 
limited use case in mind. Derek can probably fill in more details.

If you want to handle VAT on expense vouchers you will have to treat the 
employee as a vendor to your company. This will have little additional 
consequences as far as I know.


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