[GNC] Up grade from 2.6.xx to 3.1

DaveC49 davidcousens at bigpond.com
Thu May 10 11:09:23 EDT 2018


The instructions for v3.1 should work. The only problem I had when i
compiled 2.6.21 after upgrading to 3.1 was that I had installed guile 2.2.3
and v 2.6.21 looks for guile-1.8 or guile-2.0. It is possible to have
several versions of the guile libraries and headers installed as they
install individually under a directory labelled with the version number in a
directory labelled guile. I am having a problem running it however as I am
getting an error related to being unable to override PYTHONPATH which I find
a bit strange as I ran CMake with the -DWITH_PYTHON=OFF switch. I'll work
that one out tomorrow. It is likely a library conflict as I am compiling it
on the same machine I run 3.1 on. 


David Cousens
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