[GNC] 3.1 + Win10, TIME it takes to SAVE

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon May 14 11:50:51 EDT 2018

There are many, many more variables than what you listed. Note, you don’t necessarily need to answer these questions for us, but they can all affect how fast a save occurs, especially compared to someone else with beefier specs.

Here are a few:

Are you using a hard drive or SSD?

If it’s a hard drive, how old is it?

5400RPM or 7200RPM? (or something else)

This is Windows, so has it been defragmented recently? (if it’s a hard drive)

If a hard drive, is it connected via SATA or IDE?

Does the drive connection match the Motherboard connection? (an IDE drive connected to IDE port, or SATA drive connected to SATA port, rather than a mixed environment with adapters.)

If SATA, is this SATA I, II, or III? (different speeds of course)

How much RAM are you working with?

What’s your CPU and speed?

Are you regularly leaving other memory hungry apps running?

Are you regularly leaving other disk I/O intensive apps running?

The others who chimed in also don’t give their specs, so there’s no guarantee of an accurate comparison.

But if your saves on the same machine are suddenly slower than they were, now you’re comparing apples to apples.

Leaving aside a GnuCash problem for now, if this is a hard drive, I’d check the drive health status and make sure it isn’t failing. Do other apps take similarly long times to save?


> On May 14, 2018, at 8:29 AM, randix <butterandsalt at gmail.com> wrote:
> So am I being punished for not helping that little old lady across the
> street, last month?
> Why would 2 users, both using the same version of the software, on the same
> operating system, experience totally different experiences re saving a
> "simple" file to their drive?
> --
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