[GNC] A/P: invoice not displayed and payment is displayed

Maf. King maf at chilwell.net
Wed May 30 04:07:49 EDT 2018

On Wednesday, 30 May 2018 01:15:12 BST Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 29 May 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:
> >  Please suggest how I can move the bill transactions from that sub-account
> > 
> > to the main A/P account (prior to deleting the sub-account).
>    Oh, wait! I need to change each invoice to reflect the correct account.

Good morning.

Yes, tedious unpost-repost is probably the thing to do.  

But if you delete a normal account which contains transactions, GC will ask 
you if you want to re-assign the txns to another account or delete them... 
Don't know if that will work for payables with posted entries, which are 
generally read-only... no ham in trying (on a backup)


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