[GNC] moving multiple transactions

Jeff Abrahamson jeff at p27.eu
Mon Oct 1 01:32:43 EDT 2018

On 01/10/18 02:22, David Cousens wrote:
> Jeff,
> That is not currently available but I recently made changes in the importer
> matching which allowed multiple selection of transactions and assignment in
> that case of a destination account. That is not in the current and the newly
> released version 
>  as yet. It may be possible to  similarly process multiple transactions  to
> the account registers as well. The use case that I think can be addressed is
> where in an account register there are a number of transactions where the
> split of the transaction to that register needs to be changed to another
> account. It could work with a CTRL-click to select multiple transactions,
> followed by a right click to bring up the popup menu and adding an option to
> move the selected transactions to another account and a select account
> dialog followed to select an accont to transfer the splits to. 

Cool about the importer changes, I look forward to seeing them when the
code makes its way to my gnucash stability zone.

And good suggestions, thanks.

In the end, the suggestion to search in order to get a register window
with just those transactions, then to refine the search to the
(initially) same set by specifying the incorrect account allowed very
efficient copying and pasting.  So the initial need is past.

> The question has been asked before but that does not necessarily initiate
> any changes in the program. What is needed is a feature request Bug report
> at bugs.gnucash.org. If you raise a Bug request and describe how you would
> like it to work it will  then at least be assigned a priority in the list of
> fixes.

Point well taken.  I'll have a think and file a bug.


Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255


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