[GNC] Thank you for your patronage

Cam Ellison cam at ellisonet.ca
Wed Oct 3 15:18:30 EDT 2018

On 2018-10-03 12:06 p.m., David Burleigh wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-10-03 at 11:52 -0700, Cam Ellison wrote:
>> On 2018-10-03 10:51 a.m., David Burleigh wrote:
>>> How can I permanently change the message "Thank you for your
>>> patronage" that appears at the bottom of printed invoices? I am using
>>> GnuCash version 3.2 under Linux (Debian).
>> The file is at: /usr/share/gnucash/scm/gnucash/invoice.scm. Look for
>> line 332 or somewhere around there.
>> Cheers
>> Cam
> Well, thank you for that, but there's no "invoice.scm" in that folder. There are a dozen ".scm" files there, but not "invoice.scm". There are also several folders there, none of which have the file either...
> _______________________________________________

Whoops! Left out a directory.





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