[GNC] Change text color

Pandem pandem at iinet.net.au
Sat Oct 6 23:54:33 EDT 2018

Thanks GTI,

Your contribution and the added information from Geert have been very
One of the reasons to ask my initial questions were that in a long thread
the readers who come late can and do miss important things on the. What I
want you to do was to provide a summary of what you have found. You have
done that so thanks again.
In my experimentation with .CSS I have found out how to get gnucash almost
back to what I personal prefer and that is the colours and layout of gnucash
3.2. I just don't like the layout and colors in 3.2.
One final reason was a little bit of frustration and just being dumb on my
behalf. It seems I had two session of notepad++ editing the same .CSS file
and I was going nowhere real fast. Your answers made me look again so


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