[GNC] GnuCash 3.3 invoice layout questions

Christopher Lam christopher.lck at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 10:32:13 EDT 2018


These changes came about because of work on invoices to improve 
maintainability and add customizability. The v3.3+ invoice aimed to 
mimic previous reports but is imperfect.

1. You can now insert a company logo without using a custom style sheet. 
See the invoice report options, and see "Picture location" in the Layout tab

2. Display tab / Untick 'Title'

3. Probably - please check the Layout tab

4. Please check the Layouttab

Please feel free to lodge a bug report and discuss without cluttering list.

On 07/10/18 22:15, Howard M. Fried wrote:
> Mac OS 10.9
> 1. I use a custom style sheet. With GnuCash 3.2, everything, by 
> default, appeared OK (e.g., table padding). With ver 3.3, I had to 
> increase the table cell padding (from 1 to 5) in Edit-Style 
> Sheet-Tables. OK, but now there is a large amount of space between the 
> image at the top and the customer and business addresses.
> 2.  Ver 3.3, shows the invoice number twice, in the upper left; it 
> appears only once with ver 3.2. I found many entries for "invoice 
> title" in "invoice.scm", but I'm not clear what, if anything, to change.
> 3. Ver 3.3 shows the date twice, above and below the business address 
> on the right. Possible to remove the one below?
> 4.  Is it possible to change the positions of the Date, Due, and 
> Terms? Ver 3.2, they were on left below customer address; ver 3.3, 
> they are above business address.
> Note that item #1 is related to the style sheet. The other three items 
> behave as described prior to applying the style sheet (i.e., they 
> occur in the default Easy Invoice).
> Sorry for the many questions.
> Thank you.
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