[GNC] New User: GC 3.3 terminates/won't run on MacOS Sierra

klawani lawani at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 16:27:22 EDT 2018

Hi. I'm new to GC and keen to start using it but I haven't been able to get
it to run. I've checked earlier questions on this forum but haven't come
across this problem.

I've installed it (MacOS 10.12.6) and done all the usual app permission
When I try to run it by clicking on the icon it comes up with the "tip of
the day" and then bombs out.

When I tried to run it from the command line I got the following:
(process:1091): gnc.gui-WARNING **: 21:26:18.486: [mac_set_languages()]
Language list: en:en_US:C
Segmentation fault: 11

Any ideas/experience with this?


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